Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gifts to the UK

So, i have been brooding on the gifts that Obama gave to the prime minister of England and the queen. I know it's been awhile but come on... So, I really feel that Prime Minister Brown really put a lot of thought into the gift he gave Mr. Obama. I mean this is a priceless antique. A pen holder made from an anti-slave ship. A gift given to the first black President of the United States. That, dear folks, is class. And what does Obama give in return?? A box set of American videos that you can't even watch in the UK because they have a different system than ours??? Duhhhh.... Hello they drive on the left side and have the metric system in place!!! My biggest question though is... Why does the media keep making excuses for our President who I believe said was ashamed of the American citizens for not knowing foreign languages of the countries they visit!!! If ur so damn ashamed, why r u my president!!! Now the media is saying, well.... these videos were hand selected by a special team specifically for this gift. Serious?? Really?? This is what's in the box...

Uhm... yeah. Star Wars. Psycho. Vertigo. All great movies!!! Don't get me wrong. But for the British Prime Minister??? I am going to have to say I am deeply embarrassed by our President's lack of respect for our fellow leaders. And then to top it all off he give the 80something Queen of England an i-pod!!!

So, yeah it was pretty cool that there was every visit she ever made to the United States on it, but are you thinking what I'm thinking?? She's 80!!! Can she even see it??? And if she wanted to see her visits to America don't u think she could say hey!! James set that up for me. Geez!! These great gifts you could have bought @ Best Buy for $29.95!!! Give me a break.

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